Poster Guidelines
Presenters will exhibit the poster they prepared in a poster hall where all conference participants have the chance to walk by and engage in a fruitful conversation.
Participants who will present their poster will receive a regular attendance mention in the conference booklet and are considered “active participants”. Posters will also be posted on the website, making it available for download to all participants in the abstracts "digital proceedings". Registration to the conference is compulsory.
Posters Submission Portal
Posters must be submitted in the Conference Submission Portal. Posters sent by e-mail or other means will not be considered.
The submitting author of the posters must be the presenting author but does not have to be the first author. All correspondence concerning the poster will be sent to submitting author’s e-mail address.
The submission portal will take you through the process of submitting your poster. The poster submission form is very straightforward, but some explanatory notes are also given below the fields to be filled in.
Language: Posters should be written in English.
Please ensure that the spelling of names, terms and abbreviations is consistent in the main body of the text.
Posters’ format
Posters should be displayed vertically (portrait format) and should be A0 paper size, that is, 118 x 84.4 cm or 120 x 80 cm (height-width).
Regarding the dimension of the text there are no unique letter size, but make sure that the title is legible at 5m and the content at 1-2m.
Submission notification
Authors will be notified about the submission of their posters by e-mail immediately. In case you do not receive confirmation within 24 hours, please check your spam folder. In case of no confirmation e-mail, please contact the secretariat: aimaclisbon2024@leading.pt
Authors will not be able to edit the posters after submitting them. If any changes are necessary, please email the secretariat aimaclisbon2024@leading.pt
Practical information
Authors must bring their posters with them, already printed.
If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, please contact aimaclisbon2024@leading.pt
We will be happy to assist you.